Monday, 30 May 2011

A bit about my recent Module - ALT interventions

I am just on the cusp of completing this module, if you see the link on the right hand side of this page  and you are interested in the further use of Second Life, then I continued its use with the next module which was applying learning technology to a "real educational deployment.. " I thus continued with my Furniture theme and built a virtual woodwork first principles lesson as a seminar and workshop room.

The idea is that all the first priciples are embedded as a multimedia formative experience, and the summative result is two physical test pieces built in the real world.. follow the link and see whether it holds water...

My Tutor Charl Fregona liked it so I am rather pleased, I was trying to put Wenger, Constructivist and cognitive theories into practice, which turned out rather well.. the gentleman who most inspired me was Professor Randy Garrison from the Unversity of Calgary; I put a quote from his faculty objective statement which while was referring to Higher Education, I think it really works well with vocationallly based education which usually remains firmly attached to further Education or CPD (continuing professional development ) ...

So I guess I am trying to build virtual cognitive apprenticeships..

so I have taken the liberty of putting it in my SL intervention slide... I'll have to email to thank him...

Thursday, 26 May 2011

some good woodwork videos

This is an essential video for sharpening Mortice Chisels

The Tenon Saw and its use.....

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The Woodwork Discussion Blog

Use this area as a discussion and comments zone