Friday, 14 January 2011

I have submitted the project thoughts on empirical lifecycles working hypothesis and functionality...

Well I hope it hits the spot... Ive also presentedrationale as well just to make some of the colloquial approach in this blog more formal..  also I mapped a real LE to the equivalence of a VRLE, (see below) dont anyone  wanted me to explain a classsic empirical lifecycle methodology in this project as thats quite instinctive and a bit dull though is obviously followed the classic exploration/ interview/ synthesis/ build change iteration/ and delivery...
heres some gems I came up with heres my VLE/VRLE definition - I think they inform each other:
A set of online tools or a dedicated system that offers resources designed to support teaching and learning that facilitate various aspects of an education experience online… This should include (if not all) a majority of these: forum, assessment, content sharing, pertinent source information and source upload, now it is also acceptable that informal learning should also be supported via social networking… and any other technology that is appropriate

heres my mapping of a real World LE and a Second Life equivalence
Below is a mapping of facilities or qualities associated with the existing functionality within Second Life and what other applications has the possibility to be embedded and improve the offering
Real World LE
Second Life VRLE
Inter avatar conversation, linked screen blog via URL IM
Inter avatar and peer review tutors can be avatar based, formative assessment can be quiz or seminar based
content sharing
URL screen based, other SL locations
pertinent source information
URL based primary source 3D rendition of historical environment component based scalar representation embedded video and animation
source upload
Use URL blog and interavatar IM and email
informal learning
Inter avatar browsing   a propos to Communities of Practice Wengar: a connected passion amongst a population who share interests and improve  as they interact – dedicated hobbyists

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