Monday 10 January 2011

deprimming the development environment; does this make the VR VLE any less credible? will it make the editor work...needs must...

I am finding that my machine refuses to cut and paste - not much use when I am trying to build a chair to teleport people to and from the museum....  I think this is because I am close to an unknown volume on my graphics card... or build space on the London Met site... even the old trick of “saving” small increments and often (essentially leaving SL and coming back in often) is not cutting it…

Each time I re-enter the SL world an object or prim has not saved or I am getting odd behaviours in the editor - this springs to mind early compilers where we had to work around the functionality....  I am even getting artefacts from earlier builds or edits cropping up, or large chunks of previous builds missing..

I have given up on the sketch life primitive importer with my chairs as it is very tricky to use in an isometric environment.. you have to over line your existing creation, peel off the Sketch-up rendering via a filter and upload: the x y and z tools do not have good flexibility for tapers and curves - which there are a lot in furniture   seemingly the only way to build chairs is within second life... but as I am running out of time and environment  it is gradually breaking my heart - I can render the stuff onto web pages but that is hardly the point.. 

The Flash drivers in You Tube and Second life are different versions so that does not currently work either - trying to get real word multimedia into a formative virtual learning environment within Second life is constrained... I think a dedicated Avatar based elearning solution akin to Epic, Caspian or Thinking worlds  is the obvious way to build a resilient environment and an easier user interface.. that is totally dedicated to the task in hand.. these are not cheap learning solutions, but then the use has to be determined and cost benefit and return on investment closely looked at…

By comparison

I have disassembled period workbenches into Ikea like ones, I have disassembled my museum which had balustrading and all kinds of structure that would have worked in the real world – I have ditched Doric columns, in the real world the structure would not load bear... but this is not an architectural study – I have got to deprim enough in my environment to get 2 chairs to teleport between the building and that seems about it... I am a bit dejected if I am honest... I have spent a lot of time and research on this project... I suppose the brightest element here is that it is fun and the creative skills are realised, and I am in the dark as to just how much memory and build space specification is actually really required to make a good stab at a industrial strength app..

However I am tied to an algorithm which is how much do I have to compromise the look and feel to actually get my concept working, the fear is that I may have to be in a position where the locations bear no resemblance to the learning and the chairs do not resemble anything like that in the Parker collection…

My newly deprimmed (rapidly cutting down of the number of primitive objects) Museum..

it is starting to take on a rather 1960s GDR look and feel - I reckon by the time I have finished it will be a shell...
this is the first reductive development I have done....


Unknown said...

Hmm you do seem to be having a lot of techy problems. There should be absolutely no problem using Youtube videos in SL. They are widely used all over SL now. Even my first years have been using them with no problems. It could be the way you have your machine configured.
Making the chairs should be no more difficult than making the motorbikes which you seemed to have no problems with. I'm not sure what you mean by 'Save, Cut, Copy, Paste'. These don't have the same relevance or meaning as they do in other platforms. If you want to save a copy of an object then 'Take a Copy' into your inventory.

Unknown said...

'Deprimming' should not reduce the effectiveness of your build. You've used very large numbers of very small prims for no good reason. Some of your brick walls are made from many small prims assembled almost like laying individual bricks. This doesnt help teach anything and just makes the building process and the load on the sim much bigger. Try to use low numbers of large prims and repeat the texture. This is easier, quicker, less load on the sim and much more flexible to change. ALso as we have discussed concentrate on the chairs - concentrate on what you are trying to teach and don't get distracted by the packaging. You are not teaching architecture and buildings, you are teaching about the manufacturing of the chairs.

Mike D said...

Actually I heeded your advice a few days ago and rebuilt there are no longer any small brick sections - its all taken out replaced by large slabs..

it seems to be flash versions - my version here is up to dayte so I onlyu guess that its another version..

Mike D said...

I seem to have lost the ability to shift for copy so I saved stuff to the inventory and then dargged it back - and sometime this dissappears and the only way around this is to attachh it to the avatar and drop it...

the idea was to build offline and import as I find the orientation in SL tricky on a laptop...